“take vacations, and go as many places as you can”
Staycaytion takes into consideration of the weather conditions in Singapore, yet at the same time allows you to continue with your day to day activities. From your hectic working day to your relaxation time in our botanical garden.
When was the last time since COVID-19 you could have a breather? Has work from home killed work life balance? This collection encapsulates the desire to escape from the hectic workload to somewhere more resort, carefree environment.

This resort collection features woman, dressed in puff sleeve jumpsuit to a casual floral dress. She's someone who knows how to have fun in between her hectic schedule. Dipping in a pool, sipping a Martini and in a next minute, gearing up for a conference call. She's someone who is soaking up every bit of what life is all about.

Step into the world of relaxation.